Vidir Rehw-gilda

Ex-Conscript, Mercenary, Bodyguard

Wayward son of Golmore

Vidir was born in Golmore jungle and for a number of years had a typical male Viera upbringing. He was given over to be trained by the other males when he was discovered to be such and took well to the Wood-warder training that took the life of many of his friends. One thing he did not take to however was the reality of a Wood-warder's life: solitude. Isolation.Vidir didn't like the idea of living however many centuries he had alone save for what time he spend seeding a new generation in the villages, so he left. One day he just walked out of the Golmore jungle and into the heart of Dalmasca, towards Rabanastre. There he started his new life under the eye of Garlean occupation.For a time Vidir's life went as well as one could hope for during the occupation. He made his living as a hunter and caravan guard, applying his skills from training to be a Wood-warder well. Vidir found his fortunes change when his close friend Murad passed suddenly and Vidir was entrusted with the guardianship of Murad's child: a young boy named Souhail.Saddled with the responsibility of a young child and with few prospects to provide for them both Vidir turned to the only option he thought he had. Conscription. Vidir joined the IVth Legion where his skills saw him assigned to a reconnaissance focused unit. He served for a decade with distinction in every threater of operation the IVth was involved in.Vidir earned Garlean citizenship and eventually the rank of decurion. His commanding officer gave him the name Virgil pyr Nisus. A name he once took pride in. However, things changed over the years. Vidir, or Virgil's absence made Souhail resentful and angry of his adoptive father and the Empire he served. Anger took to action as Souhail embraced revolution partaking in the infamous Barheim Incident.The retaliations that followed lead to Vidir personally witnessing the events which gave name to the Witch of Dalmasca. However more personally harrowing for Vidir he would witness the execution of Souhail. Captured by his unit Vidir's commanding officer a pureblooded Garlean known as Cassius quo Acutius ordered him to execute Souhail. An order Vidir refused.Vidir was dishonorable discharged and sentenced to serve hard labor at a Garlean work in the far north, but not before he witnessed Souhail's execution at Cassius' hand. Vidir abandoned his city name that day. After a few years in the labor camp Vidir escaped, making his way south and devoting himself to resistance against Garlean oppression.Vidir's path took him across the whole of Othard and Ilsabard. When the IVth Legion collapsed Vidir sought justice against Cassius, however like many former officers of the IVth stained with war crimes Cassius disappeared. The years since Vidir has drifted seemingly aimlessly making his way as a mercenary and bodyguard.Vidir last spent time in Radz-at-Han and has since moved away from Thavnair to Eorzea proper, and more specifically Ul'dah. All the while he plys himself as a mecenary and adventurer, Vidir keeps communication with the Rumta-Zaraam. To this day he still hunts Cassius. For the war crimes he had committed, and the retribution Vidir thirsts for.


  • Race: Viera (Rava)

  • Origin: Golmore Jungle, Dalmasca

  • Nationality: Dalmascan, Garlean (renounced)

  • Gender: Male (he/him/his)

  • Age: ~40+ (appears mid 20s)

  • Orientation: Bisexual (female leaning)

  • Occupation: Adventurer, Mercenary

  • Vidir has a slight but distinctly Dalmascan accent in every language he speaks.

  • The gunblade Vidir carries is of Garlean make and show signs of significant wear and tear. While it looks as if it has been repaired to ensure peak efficiency one thing is clear: the weapon is far from loved.

  • Vidir is somewhat quiet and subdued. Though not anti-social in any respect he keeps to himself leading some to consider him somewhat aloof.

  • There's a certain militaristic rigidity to Vidir. He is well kept, his clothing well tailored and clean. This creates a very put together look that speaks more to habit than vanity.

  • Vidir is a polyglot and thus is fuluent in a number of languages. He is currently fluent in Eorzean common, Dalmascan, Doman, Bozjan, Old Auri, Hannish, and the Garlean tongue.

Out of Character

Vidir Rehw-gilda - Mateus (Crystal)
Time Zone: PST (West Coast US) / GMT -8

Thanks for your interest in the character! If you have further interest, and would like to get in touch please feel free to contact me in game, or via discord.I am a 21+ law student IRL so scheduling can be difficult given the time constraints I am under but I am always wiling to try to work something out!Discord: Rasgoul#2723

Roleplay Interests

  • Contacts - Friends, chance meetings, and so on.

  • Business Interests - Whether hiring Vidir as a mercenary or a bodyguard, or tracker, he'll

  • Slice of Life Roleplay - A little snippet of the more lowkey aspects of adventuring. Cooking, fishing, or a night out on the town. Vidir can frequently be seen in Thanlan engaging in falconry with a hawk.

  • Long Term Partners - Definitely something I am open to, but would love to start as a contact to get a feel for roleplay styles and what we might offer each other.

  • Combat - Generally something I enjoy. As Vidir is very martially oriented he's liable to find himself in a fight one way or the other be it on the job or for more personal reasons.

Roleplay Themes

  • Violence/War - Most rather visceral depictions of combat and it's down sides are accepted. I prefer not to lean into gratuitous violence but stylized or more realistic depictions are appreciated. No gore for the sake of it.

  • Garlean Empire - Vidir has a complicated history with the Garlean Empire. He is not as resentful or hateful of them as most might be, but he has no great love for them either. Any roleplay revolving around the fallen Empire is something that could tie well into Vidir's backstory.

  • Romance - I am pretty accepting of romance roleplay in general if it were to build to it. Though Vidir comes off as distant and somewhat guarded the potential for it is always there should things progress that way.

  • Mature themes - I enjoy it, and am willing to write in such scenes if I feel that it works within the character's personality. This can be much in the same area as violence/war but include romance and sexuality as well. I prefer things that add to or enhance the emotional impact of a story, and as such the story itself. Generally, I don't like to revel in these themes and instead approach these themes with more of a grounding aspect to story.


Some potential points of connetion for roleplay opportunities. Not entirely limited to this list if you find some potential throughline in his backstory please feel free to ask about it.

  • For Hire - Vidir is an established adventurer, willing to take up any contract of employment one might think for such a man. His reputation and skillsets lend him particularly well to bodyguard, scouting, and hunting.

  • Legacy of the IVth - Vidir was a non-commissioned officer in the IVth under his former city name Virgil pyr Nisus. Any whom might have interacted with or even been a part of the Legion before the Barheim Incident may seek to establish contact through this point.

  • Rumta-Zaraam - Vidir is covertly a member of the Rumta-Zaraam, or "the spear in the dark" in old Dalmascan. He is constantly hunting and relaying information on escaped IVth Legion war criminals. Anything to fit these ends can connect here.

  • Magitek, Alchemy, it's all science - Vidir has an interest in Magitek from his time in the Garlean military, and alchemy from his time amongst the Hannish alchemists and now amongst Ul'dah's. Whatever opportunities to learn how to better apply these interests he'll take.

  • Light Linguistics - As a polyglot Vidir does not just sell his swordarm but rather his mind as well. Any sort of translation or language based services Vidir will entertain, even if it requires him to learn a new language. He takes quickly to them and can be a great asset to one struggling with such things.